Springville Parks & Recreation

Softball Information

Spring Softball

$175 (Capball $115)

Registration Opens 12/18/2024

Closes 1/31/2025

Important Dates:


2/7/2025 Evaluations (mandatory)

Field 3:
5:30-6:15 6U L
All players are encouraged to attend uniform fittings from 6:00 PM-7:30 PM at the Baseball Concession Stands 


2/9/2025 2:00pm Makeup evaluations

 3/17/2025 Games Begin (subject to change)

- 3/21/2025 at 4:30PM-9:00PM Eye Black Photos for Banners @ The VFW Behind field 3 at the Baseball Complex

- 3/22/2025 at 8:30AM-3:30PM Eye Black Photos for Banners @ The VFW Behind field 3 at the Baseball Complex 

4/5/2025 Opening Day


April TBD Mid season USSSA tournament (6U, 8U, 10U, and 12U)

 May TBD End of the season tournament with park teams

June TBD Regional (Region 3) All Stars Tournament

June TBD State All Stars Tournament

July TBD All Star World Series


Coaches Information:

 Coaches Registration - 12/18/2024-1/31/2025

 BACKGROUND CHECK AND COACH SAFELY TRAINING:   All head/assistant coaches and volunteers will be required by Alabama State Law to pass a background check and complete Coach Safely Training before participating in Springville Parks and Rec Athletics. Please see coaches tab for links to both and must be completed by head coach before practice starts.



Click here for committee bylaws - 23 Youth Softball Committee and Park Rules Master Copy.docx

Trevor Sharp | Anna Hall | Graham Darnell | Rick McQueen

Springville Youth Softball is sanctioned by USA Softball of Alabama

For more information email djrector@cityofspringville.com

The City of Springville offers a 10% need-based discount for all sport registrations. To receive the discount, please email a copy of one of the following forms below to lcleaver@cityofspringville.com along with what sport you are registering for. The submitted form will be retained on file for 1 year.

  • Letter from child’s school showing qualification for free/reduced lunch
  • Medicaid/Medicare ID
  • Supplemental Security Income
  • Food Stamps Eligibility
  • Alabama Family Assistance (TANF)
  • Proof of income of every adult in the home (equal or less to 150% poverty rate)
Tennis Court Availability

Currently Registering

There are no Softball registrations taking place at this time.